We live in a turbulent world. We are fast, decisive, bold. We take, we use, travel, experiment, without ever taking a break. Somewhere along the line, we forgot to appreciate nature, things, people. Millennials grew up nurturing this care for the world.

Children have this magical ability to turn everything into a toy, into a game. Every stick is a lightsaber, every rock is to be played with.

Millennials show us that even in the most trashed places we can find beauty, that every dumpster is a resource, that creativity emerges from using what we’ve got to innovate, explore, and reinvent ourselves.

Krpica is a fashion brand that offers the value we strive for, it realizes our dreams for a brave new world of equality, respect, creativity, and sustainability.

By wearing us, Millennials are able to rise up their voice, and build a stronger statement of encountering climate change and consumerism, supporting the zero waste concept and fair working conditions for young people worldwide.

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries – starting with chemicals from textile dyes being released into the oceans, children labor in sweatshops, the carbon footprint of the transport, and finally the waste itself. Textile waste is 5% of total waste in the world, and only in Serbia about 150 tons of textile ends up as a pile of garbage every day. Fast production serves us cheap fabrics patched up by cheap labor of third world countries, turning us all into blind consumers, making us exploit each other.

Krpica is built by a team of young people who recognize the need of our peers to wear long-lasting, eco-friendly clothing, in which we show that our voices matter. We know that Millennials are cause-driven, and we are helping them show their identity and tell their story, making the world see global warming through their eyes. Krpica is a social enterprise developed by a team of various skillsets, quickly progressing in the fashion industry, management, marketing, and design.

This is the year in which we will be pioneers in encountering textile waste, since creative industries are becoming the highlight of global investments, while social entrepreneurship shapes our economy, dictating future trends. We are changing the direction of waste management, in contribution to the circular economy and its growing popularity. Leading examples that confirm this are Zero Waste Daniel and Patagonia in Silicon Valley.

Now let’s talk money. By developing production in Serbia, we offer competitive prices on the established market, which helps us emerge fast and grow even faster. 

Krpica is developed by Inspiring Change, a youth-led nonprofit organization based in Serbia.

For the generation that woke us up.
Cuz caring about the world means caring about each other.
