Social Entrepreneurship as a response to youth unemployment
Throughout 2022, partner NGOs from 7 countries joined forces and implemented an Erasmus+ youth exchange project.
Throughout 2022, partner NGOs from 7 countries joined forces and implemented an Erasmus+ youth exchange project.
Inspiring Change vas poziva da se pridružite Erasmus+ treningu za mlade!
Inspiring Change vas poziva da se pridružite Erasmus+ treningu za mlade!
Inspiring Change vas poziva da se pridružite Erasmus+ treningu za mlade!
Ova publikacija rezultat je istraživanja sprovedenog u okviru projekta Youth Fight Club od strane
omladinskog udruženja građana Inspiring Change (Nosioci Promena).
Within Pioneers into Practice, a program by Climate-KIC, Inspiring Change hosted a young pioneer Valters Muzikants from Latvia. Valters worked on research towards a solution within the Climate-friendly Food Systems and Diets challenge.
Young people through dialogue to a better position of civil rights in Zaječar Contributing to the initiation of dialogue between people with conflicting opinions, is the goal of this initiative and project that Inspiring Change is implementing with the support of CRTA and their program “Your Place In Serbia”. The Read more…
U okviru saradnje Inspiring Change i Timočkog Omladinskog Centra, 22. marta u 11 časova održana je radionica o društvenom preduzetništvu. Učesnici radionice bili su mladima koje zanimaju principi društvenog preduzetništva i održivog poslovanja. Oni su imali prilike da nauče principe društvenog preduzetništva, kako se ono razlikuje od biznisa ili korporativne Read more…
Through Pioneers into Practice, a program by Climate-KIC, Inspiring Change will host young pioneers in the city of Novi Sad, in Serbia, to work together on a solution within the *Climate-friendly Food Systems and Diets* challenge.
Climathon Belgrade 2020 event hosted Inspiring Change, as the founding organization of Krpica – zero waste fashion project, to showcase good practice in encountering the challenges of climate change.